Example of a successful "Freeze Out" tactic "Freezing a girl out" is a seduction concept which in other words mean to purposely ignore a girl in order to make her chase you. With this random girl whom I'd picked up on Facebook days ago, I froze her out via Whatsapp Messenger and she in turn messages.Good old text game. I used to be so lame at texting girls. I mean SERIOUSLY bad, to the point where I would get a bunch of numbers and only a couple of girls would text me back and then end up fizzling out because I sucked at keeping the attraction alive..Got the number but she just ain't responding? Erm well there are two possible explanations for this the first is that you didn't build enough rapport attraction with her and the second is that your opening text was so painfully boring that she just threw the phone out of the window in absolute disgust..T o some guys, asking a girl out is a completely natural endeavor. However, this sometimes depends on the girl as well. Because of this, you might come across certain situations where you find it hard to ask out a girl, no .
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Example of a successful "Freeze Out" tactic "Freezing a girl out" is a seduction concept which in other words mean to purposely ignore a girl in order to make her chase you..
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